Have you driven on Eugene Street lately? It has changed so much. This is the part between Friendly Avenue and Smith Street, with the baseball stadium on the left and the Carroll Bellemeade development on North Eugene. It is hard to believe the baseball stadium has been there since 2005. What was originally First Horizon Park is now First National Bank Field. The stadium can accommodate 7,499 guests. The people who live in the apartments on Eugene and Smith Streets can just walk to games. Between the baseball stadium and Tanger Center, options for this part of town have expanded significantly over the last 18 years.
You can get some great sunsets from the apartments on Eugene. We're betting you can see some great baseball from many of those apartments. The next home game for the Greensboro Grasshoppers will be April 23. It would be well worth your investment in time and money to experience a baseball game. We hope to see you in the stands, or strolling along Elm Street, en route.
Happy Thursday!
A good view.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 06:02 AM