Today, the Central Library is hosting a local author fair and two workshops for authors and aspiring authors. Beth Sheffield will present a workshop on "Selling your Book in Three Minutes or Less." Beth will share some clear examples of how to prepare and rehearse your "elevator speech" in case you get a chance to pitch your book to someone- planned or unplanned. Sometimes, when least expected, there is an opportunity to tell someone about your book; you've got to be ready. In the above photo, Beth is showing a couple of her go-to books for aspiring authors. You may recognize Beth, as she works in the Greensboro Central Library with major programming and book clubs. It is easy to remember someone with a smile that heartfelt.
There will also be an opportunity to meet sixteen local authors, purchase their books, and get books autographed. Two books that are getting a lot of press lately, are Diya Abdo's book, "American Refugee: True Stories of the American Refugee Experience" and Virginia Summer's book, "Redefining Activism: Judge Elreta Alexander-Ralston." Both authors will be in attendance today. The library has several fabulous events scheduled for 2023. To keep up with their offerings, follow the GSO Library on Facebook, or check for updates. In the meantime, hope to see you at the Central Library between 1-4pm today. Other than the workshops, the rest of the event is drop-in-anytime to meet these local authors. See yesterday's GDP post HERE for more details. There are other events going on downtown today. If the parking deck attendant knows you are going to the event at the public library, you should be able to park for free.
A good portrait.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 06:41 PM