'Tis the season for organizations to get together and hold brunches and other holiday events. Such is the case of the above group, the Beta Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG). DKG is a society of key women educators, established in 1929. Beta Delta is one of four chapters of DKG in Greensboro. Yesterday, Beta Delta met for their annual December brunch. In the photo, featured are 37 members and their guests.
The brunch was held at Hinshaw United Methodist Church. Hinshaw UMC, founded in 1915, is located at 4501 West Gate City Boulevard, just west of Merritt Drive. When organized, it was Midway Church. According to their cornerstone, in 1949, the church was rebuilt and the name changed to Hinshaw. Yesterday, members of Hinshaw Methodist prepared the food on site for the DKG members. Reaction to the food and venue was favorable. Additionally, the fellowship hall (photographed above) is right at street level, making it easy to navigate. How wonderful that the church offers these opportunities to the public at very reasonable rates. If you are interested in seeing the fellowship hall and learning more about the church, you could attend a Sunday service, or attend their hot dog lunch on Tuesdays form 11:30- 1:30pm. Thank you to the church and thank you to the Beta Delta members, who work very hard to foster excellence in education.
Happy Sunday!
A good group portrait.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, December 04, 2022 at 04:21 PM