This is the view of West McGee Street from the middle of Hamburger Square- the intersection of McGee with South Elm Street. Just Be Gifts is to the left, Little Brother Brewing to the right, and Natty Greene's Restaurant just behind us. At the Festival of Lights on Friday, December 2nd, there will be standing-room-only in this square. In the background, center of the photo, you can see Nathanael Greene statue- local artist Jim Barnhill was commissioned to sculpt it. To the right in the background is the newly opened Hampton Inn. We're betting it will sell out for the Festival of Lights/First Friday. Look at how convenient it is to downtown! Although the scene looks empty and gray in today's post, it will be crowded and full of color when everyone is downtown on December 2nd.
If you have a teen learning to drive, McGee is a good place to practice. As you can see, the lanes are clearly marked, AND, if you look at the diamond-shaped, yellow warning sign on the right, there is a round about. Round-abouts are becoming more popular in Greensboro. It is a good idea to practice navigating them- with or without a novice driver!
Happy Tuesday! A big thank you Katja Brown who alerted us to the fact that today's post hadn't published!
Good perspective.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 03:36 PM