Deep Green is another one of those streets with lots of Halloween spirit. The street is located between Westwood, North Friendly Acres, and British Woods. It is also on the south east corner of Westminster Gardens Cemetery and Crematory. The above white painted brick house, at 3420, was built in 1975. The current owners have been there about four years and their simple decoration of six witches gathering around a tree is hauntingly realistic. Don't you wonder what they are saying to each other!
Be on the lookout for Trunk-or-Treat events in Greensboro. Unity in Greensboro, at 501 South Mendenhall #302 is having theirs on Sunday (Oct 30) from 5-7pm. Tomorrow night (Wed., Oct. 26) , Elm Street is having an event at 6:00 pm. It is dubbed, Nightmare-Off-Elm Street at 192 East Lewis Street. It sounds like other establishments will join in the fun. Be careful when you are downtown. It is NCA&T Homecoming week and there is always increased foot and vehicle traffic. Be mindful, especially of pedestrians when downtown- well, anywhere, actually. Meanwhile back at Deep Green, you won't be disappointed if you add to this to your map of Halloween viewing pleasure!
Happy Tuesday!
I really like the layout of these witches.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 08:38 AM