The above photo features the twenty one Fulbright teaching scholars who hail from twenty one different countries around the globe. They are one of seven cohorts of teachers placed throughout the United States in the Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program. During their stay in Greensboro they are hosted by University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG). While in Greensboro and through UNCG, they will take classes, experience a homestay, attend a language conference, teach in classrooms and more. They will gain so much from this visit, but also, those who meet the international teachers will benefit. These teachers are goodwill ambassadors from their countries and are a wealth of information. The easiest way to have a global perspective is to travel and meet people from other countries.
In the above photo, participants are on the balcony of the cafeteria on the UNCG campus. While not required to dress in traditional clothing from their respective countries, some participants chose to do so. This was such a great way to initiate conversation. When you have someone from Bangladesh talking to you about his language sporting a kurta, and someone sharing information about her village in Azerbaijan wearing a rubend, and yet someone else switching from Russian to Spanish to English seamlessly, it is as if the United Nations is right there before your eyes. Teachers speak an international language, and Greensboro is so lucky that UNCG brought this international teacher cohort our way. If you get a chance to meet one of the teacher guests, please give them a Greensboro welcome and treat them to some sweet tea and barbecue!
Happy Tuesday!
A terrific group shot.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 04:42 PM
Are you the one switching from Russian to Spanish to English seamlessly or did you find your match Janis?
Posted by: Katja | Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 09:54 AM