Happy Labor Day! Today is the only federal U.S. holiday in September. We hope you are able to enjoy yourself. At least when we checked the weather last night, for Greensboro today, the radar was not showing rain. Hopefully, the weather will be nice and you can enjoy the da. If you are looking for something family oriented to do, may we suggest the Greensboro Science Center? The above photo was taken earlier in the summer at the science center. It is of the Foucault Pendulum Exhibit visible from near the entrance. This exhibit has been there for as long as we can remember, way before the renovation. We featured it on Greensboro Daily Photo in 2009, the first year we published our photo blog. A Foucault Pendulum is used to demonstrate the rotation of the earth.
After rereading our 2009 post, we remembered that there are actually two of these pendulums in Greensboro. The other is on the campus of NCA&T and a total of four in North Carolina, one more in Winston-Salem and one in Fayetteville. We'd love to eventually see all four. However, for now, we're concentrating on getting back to the Greensboro Science Center on Labor Day. According to their website, they should be open. It is a place to visit and be transported from thoughts about work and your busy work week- unless, of course, you happen to be working today.
Happy Labor Day!
That is quite big.
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, September 05, 2022 at 05:53 PM