Have you ever been to the little alley at 520 South Elm Street to the side entrance to the Community Theatre of Greensboro? The wall of donors looks like the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz, the play CTG produces annually and is actually casting for at the moment. Who will be the next Dorothy? Wicked Witch? Glinda? We'll soon find out. Slowly, some of the alleys of Greensboro are being revived and this is one such example. Ever since they purchased the 160 seat Broach Theatre in 2013, this has been home to one of the performing arts treasures of Greensboro. Mitchell Sommers had been at the helm of CTG for more than 27 years and oversaw this transition from the Cultural Arts Center to the above location. In 2017, he stepped down and earlier this summer retired - only to take on the interim executive directorship of Triad Stage (but that is another post for another GDP day). Rosalyn Fulton, whom many know from her many years at the Children's Theatre program in Greensboro, is the current director. Indeed, Greensboro is lucky to have these dedicated professionals to help keep the performing arts thriving in our community.
We hope you have a chance to get out and downtown this weekend. Our town, any town, does best with community support. We get a smile on our face every time we walk down this alley, not only for the goodness we know is happening inside the theatre, but because of the scent of incense that is floating down from Terra Blue just around the corner. We always try to figure out what is burning (lavender, patchouli, Egyptian sage?). Standing here, we just noticed "CONE" in the stars above. We're betting it is in honor of the late Robert (Bob) Cone who was a lifelong supporter of Community Theatre of Greensboro.
Have a great weekend, dear readers!
Very colourful.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 05:49 PM