Listening to a piano recital performed by young artists at the Eastern Music Festival was the perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon. For one hour yesterday, Dana Auditorium, on the campus of Guilford College, was filled with the brilliant music of talented young pianists. The above photo is of Alvin Wang who opened the recital with "Chromatic Fantasy and Fuge in D minor, by J.S. Bach. There were about 75 people in the audience as the five different musicians performed: Alvin Wang (Bach), Ann Gao (Chopin), Hazel Musto (Ravel), Robiya Akromova (Rachmaninoff), and Andrew Reveno (Greig). Musto and Reveno were accompanied by Anthony Bock and Akromova and Gao were accompanied by William Wolfram. The remaining Sunday 3pm piano recitals are July 17 and 24 at 3:00 pm in Dana Auditorium. All are free thanks to the sponsorship of Steinway Piano Gallery. By choice, this photo was taken from the very last row in the auditorium, but there are usually plenty of seats up closer.
Here is the calendar for the remaining performances. Some of the events are free, some require the purchase of a ticket; all are open to the public. There is no performance scheduled for today, but tomorrow, from 10:30- 11:30, a string quartet will perform at the McGirt Horton Branch of the Greensboro Public Library at 2501 Phillips Avenue. Later that evening, the Eastern Chamber Players will perform from 8:00- 10:00 pm and those tickets are $33. Fifteen musicians on string and percussion instruments will perform in that evening performance. Please treat yourself to one of the performances this month.
I would enjoy that.
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, July 11, 2022 at 09:01 PM