This who read Greensboro Daily Photo regularly know that we try to do something religious/spiritual on Sundays. Sometimes, it is a reflective nature shot; other times it is a church or religious event. You can imagine after 13 1/2 years of Sundays- about 700- it is a challenge to think of something new. We had to chuckle because we googled "churches Greensboro" and up popped YELP with a list of Top 10 Churches of Greensboro. Now, how did they decide that? Some churches on the list, we have already featured. However, we were off in pursuit of #3, Elevation Church at 409 Friendway, which we discovered is the address for Western High School. We figured that the church meets at the school, but didn't see any signs of a church. So, next, off to #5, Church Alive, at 204 South Westgate. If you know Greensboro well, you know Westgate crosses over West Market Street, but South Westgate does not connect to Westgate. As a matter of fact, South Westgate is a dead end on both ends! En route to Church Alive, we found the above church, "Change the Nations Church" (CTNC) at 4619 Mercury Drive. So, we decided to feature a church not on the YELP list.
An internet search reveals that CTNC is "an international group of virtuous women dedicated to making positive impacts in families around the world through the proclamation of the word of God, social work, and by being living testimonies. [They] are made up of Christian women of all ages and walks of life. [They] believe that as Christian women [they] do play an important role in reflecting Christ in [their] homes, workplaces, & marketplace." They are a congregation of at least 25 nationalities of various ethnic backgrounds. If you want to be part of a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, Evangelical congregation, CTNC may well be the church for you.
And so, you see, serendipity has so much to do with making Greensboro Daily Photo what it is. Just when we begin to wonder what on earth we would photograph and write about for today, doors opened and a new (to us) church appeared. By the way, we found four churches, never-before-heard-of-by-us, tucked along the South Westgate area all thanks to an out-of-date YELP list! Happy Sunday!
Rather quiet.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, June 19, 2022 at 04:33 PM