Yesterday was a very special day at Friendly Avenue Baptist Church.....
Children, from toddlers to 5th graders, were invited to hear the Easter story and then participate in the Fire Truck Easter Egg Drop. In the above photo, you see children scrambling to gather Easter eggs filled with treats, just after the eggs had been dropped from a fire truck's bucket ladder extended several stories high. In addition, there were stations all over the church lot with games, activities, and light snacks for the children. Everything was free and family friendly. Every detail was meticulously executed. Participants pre-registered, ensuring sufficient volunteer staff and enough Easter eggs. By the start of the event yesterday, thousands of eggs were carefully stuffed and sealed with tape- wheel barrels full. Children were given clear empty bags to stuff with plastic eggs. In spite of the cool, breezy weather, fun was had by all. Friendly Avenue is known for having these big, inclusive events that help build memories for children. Yesterday was one of many examples of their efforts to build a sense of community.
If you were wanting to go to church at Friendly Avenue today, Palm Sunday, there is an 8:30 am service; Sunday school is at 9:45am; and the late service is at 11:00am. Five o-clock in the evening is Kids Praise time; students and adults also have a group gathering at 5:00 pm. For Christians, today, Palm Sunday, commemorates the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, when palm branches were placed down, marking the path. We're betting today will also be a very special day at Friendly Avenue Baptist.
Happy Sunday!
A good idea.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, April 10, 2022 at 04:27 PM