From the textile mill days, Greensboro was known as the denim capital of the world. The above pair of fiberglass jeans is one of many in the series "Celebrating Jeansboro, NC, 'Arts in the City', and you can find these works of art throughout the city and at the PTI Airport. The jeans above were painted by Public Artist Darlene J. McClinton, M.F.A. The project was first launched in 2015 as a contest for Guilford County School students to submit proposed ideas for designs. This pair at Friendly Center, with the look of splattered work pants, is located in the new side of Friendly in the common area behind Ben and Jerry's. The idea of celebrating Greensboro's textile history with the blue jeans statues is so fitting.
On a completely non-related topic, but relevant to Greensboro, Anne Lamott spoke at Tanger Center last night as part of the Guilford College Bryan Series. Lamott spoke to a full house and graciously held a book signing afterward. The line for the book signing was long and Scuppernong Books were on hand for people to purchase books on site. During Lammot's presentation, she revealed her grandson's other grandmother lives in Greensboro. Let's hope that gives her good reason to return to Jeansboro, ummm, Greensboro! We'd love to have her back. Even better would be to get a photo of Jax and his two grandmothers for Greensboro Daily Photo.
Really enjoyed Anne's musings last night. Today I shared with one of the professors at the High Point University campus about last night's Bryan Speaker series. She told me that she used to study very close to where Anne Lamott lives and that Anne gave a writing workshop at her university that helped her tremendously as she was working on her Phd.
Posted by: Katja | Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 11:50 AM
These make you look twice.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 06:25 PM