Today's post features local Greensboro artist Paige Cox! We just had to follow up on what Paige has been doing since she left Reconsidered Goods. Paige started Reconsidered Goods, a creative reuse store in 2016; working there full time until this January (she had already stepped down as Executive Director this past August). Paige has struck out on her own to work full time as an artist. Paige earned an BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design. Pre-RG and pre-corporate, she focused on felting. The circular wall hanging in her in-home studio (above) is one of her pieces. Today, you see a picture of Paige armed with her latest fiber passion, a tufting gun. Paige has mastered the art of tufting and makes adorable wall hangings and rugs. The ghostlike creature above is one of her most recent creations.
Tufting is an art form that really took off during the pandemic when the tools of the trade were redesigned and made more affordable to individual artists. Previously, the old technology was more industrial and cost prohibitive. Paige says TikTok is full of videos that have gone viral of tufters tufting. If you follow Paige on Instagram, you can see an example of the process (@paigecox_art). Paige describes her style as bright, fun, silly and whimsical. As you can see here, she loves bright colors. She has started selling her pieces in some galleries, but mostly sells through Instagram (and is open to commissions). However, for about the next month, Paige is helping with staging at the High Point Furniture Market and will be wearing a different creative hat, more like the one she wore when designing at Anthropologie. To be sure, anything Paige touches will be fabulous.
We all miss seeing our dear artist friend at Reconsidered Goods. However, we have to be happy for her. She is making great art in her in-home studio, where has the opportunity to spend more time with her husband and pets, including Wilson- the cat who roamed the floor at the Patterson Street location. Don't be a stranger, Paige, you have a fan club out here that really wants to stay in touch with you!
Happy Friday, everyone!
A splendid portrait.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, February 25, 2022 at 07:47 AM