Yesterday evening, the Guilford County Schools held their regularly scheduled board meeting at 6:00 pm at the Eugene Street building. As we drove by, we noticed a group had assembled outside from 5:00-6:00 pm. The were holding signs requesting schools to tell the truth. They did not say what group they affiliated with but signs said things like, True History Unites. Racism Divides; Tell the Truth PERIOD! and Turning a blind eye on our history has not saved us from its consequences. We were struck at how peacefully the group had assembled.
A lot of discussion at yesterday's board meeting centered around whether or not to continue mandating masks and the extent to which COVID tests should be administered to athletes. The decision has been made to continue wearing masks at least until the next board meeting. These decisions are never easy, but issues need to be discussed and decisions need to be made. We would like to thank all of the school board members for giving their time for the community. If you want to know more or be involved, the school board meetings are always broadcast live. If you want to get a point across, sign up to speak (3 minutes and under), send your representative an email, or, assemble peacefully like the group above.
Happy Wednesday!
More peaceful than how things are proceeding here.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, February 09, 2022 at 09:25 AM