In the above photo, the Lake Daniel neighborhood- across from Grimsley High School- is bathed in sunlight in the afternoon. It is the kind of neighborhoods where yards are full of blooming azalea bushes and dogwood trees in the spring and full of fall color October and November. This home at 808 Twyckenham Drive is no exception. Look at the beauty of this Tudor home bathed in the look of fall. Built in 1933, this home looks as fresh and inviting as it must have when built almost ninety years ago. As for the name of the street, we're guessing it was chosen to evoke a feel of Old England. Twickenham is the administrative headquarters of Richmond upon Thames and "wic" and "ham" are words to indicate a small settlement in Saxon.
According to a 1994 News & Record article*, the Lake Daniel neighborhood was planned in 1926 with the goal of capturing the essence of both Greensboro's city and rural life. There is both a park and man-made lake in the neighborhood and it is less than two miles from downtown Greensboro. In the mid 1990s, the neighborhood planted over 3,000 shrubs and trees, and it shows. Today is a good day to get out and explore the beauty of the city. Try Lake Daniel as it is a very walkable neighborhood. Happy Saturday!
* reference HERE.
Quite distinctive.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 04:36 PM