For years, we have been meaning to drive down Four Farms Road. Turning left onto Horse Pen Creek from North Battleground, Four Farms is the first road on the left. For years, it has felt like a rural enclave, surrounded by suburban sprawl. Change was evident as we drove down the road. Some of the farmland is being converted to apartments and this new road is being cut through to the new neighborhood. You can see garages being built in the back on the left. For now, the structures on the rest of the road are single family homes. They extend all the way back to the Cone Health Facility at Battleground and Drawbridge Parkway.
Change and growth in inevitable. Let's hope Greensboro can find a way to keep a balance of green space, retail, and housing. We have been monitoring changes on Horse Pen Creek since 2009 and, oh how has it changed. To be sure, there are no more cows and there are just a few more tracts of land left. It will be interesting to see what they become. Have there been changes in your neighborhood? If so, let us know, it is so interesting to get out and see how Greensboro is changing Happy Wednesday!
Paving paradise to put up a parking lot.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, November 03, 2021 at 09:59 PM