Today's photo features the Gift Shop at the Greensboro History Museum. What a clever slogan- Bring HISTORY Home. If you want Greensboro's iconic Boar and Castle sauce, you can get it here. If you want something with the state bird on it, get it here. If you are looking for books about Greensboro, get them here! If you need a Wrangle jeans apron, see above! Related to Greensboro and books, there is a very special event tonight from 7-9pm. It it is called, "The Life and Works of O. Henry", with Ben Yagoda and Jim Dodson. The book they will be discussing tonight is an anthology of O. Henry stories. Ben, the editor of the collection, and an accomplished writer himself, is coming in from Delaware to discuss Greensboro's favorite author. Jim Dodson, of Greensboro, also an accomplished writer, will co-present the event. You may recognize Jim's name from O. Henry magazine; not only does he write for the magazine, he is its founding editor. All of this good local history and lore is brought to us by the Greensboro History Museum, Greensboro Public Library, and Scuppernong Books. While we can't guarantee the museum's shop will be open, you can be sure there will be books available for purchase.
If you plan to attend, please visit the museum's website (HERE) for tickets. Also, you can learn about attending virtually from the comfort of your own home- the new normal. Almost as good as the wonderful event itself is the fact that it is FREE, but do reserve a spot! If you can't head downtown this evening for the event (130 Summit Avenue by Tanger Center), please put The Greensboro History Museum on your to-do list to get by at another time. The single best thing you can do for our community is support our public non-profits.
If you're attending, have fun.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, September 02, 2021 at 07:36 PM