Tate Street and Gate City Boulevard are about to change before our eyes! UNCG is building an facility they are calling Arts Place at Tate + Gate. It will be a multi-purpose cultural arts venue at 842 West Gate City Boulevard. Above ground, there will be an art gallery, a performance space, instructional and practices rooms, offices, and even a retail component. Something really innovative is that parking will be underground. The University is billing it as a hot spot for innovation and, according to Chancellor Frank D. Gilliam, Jr., (i)t will be a destination like no other in our state."* Collaboration between faculty, students, and the community will be emphasized. Partnerships will make it possible for students to gain experience through internships and other types of involvement, which will give them an edge in the job market.
The exterior of the building will have a very sleek and modern look, with lots of natural light coming in. It is as if the exterior and interior blend; perhaps a 21st century version of Frank Lloyd Wright's notion of blending humanity and the environment. It will be interesting to see how the side of the building that backs up to the railroad track will be constructed. Will you be able to watch trains go by? Will there be an effort to minimize noise from the train? The left/west side of the building is bordered by Tate Street and the right/east by Oden Brewing Company. While taking this picture yesterday, from across Gate City Boulevard- or Gate, as it is also called- we could hear the music from Oden. There will be built in libation, food, and live music without having to leave the block. As soon as all of this change takes place, we'll be back for an after photo!
Happy Monday!
* Reference and read more here.
That's sounding like a big project.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 08:18 AM
And they continue to push the working classes out.
Posted by: Billy Jones | Wednesday, September 01, 2021 at 12:43 PM