Today is BLT Sandwich Day at the Greensboro Farmers Curb Market on Yanceyville Street, across from War Memorial Stadium. The above vegetable photo was taken about a month ago. By now, there should be plenty of ripe tomatoes, whether you get them on the BLT, or to take home with you, or BOTH!! They usually start preparing sandwiches at about 8:30 a.m. and you know they will sell quickly. Usually, they are set up outside and there is live music at the Lawn Lindsay Street- the side of the curb market.
Even if you don't like BLTs, the market is a great place to go to get some type of fresh produce and to interact with a great group of people. Also, it is always nice to support local vendors. The BLT makers should be there preparing sandwiches until 11:00 a.m.; however, it could be cut short depending on the size of the crown. Happy Saturday! May you find something glorious to to in Greensboro.
Markets are always a welcome thing.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, July 17, 2021 at 08:40 AM