Greensboro is such a great place to live. The weather and landscape help, but what makes Greensboro fantastic is the people. Yesterday, at a yard sale on Greenwood Drive, the homeowner and host of the sale gave a piece of new jewelry to all the mothers who stopped by. There were no gimmicks and no purchase was necessary. She said she wanted everyone to be able to say they received at least one Mother's Day gift. What a nice, heartfelt gesture and the moms were appreciative and joyfully selected a piece of jewelry.
To all the mothers out there, in Greensboro and beyond, we hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day today. And, if you happen to know the woman who lives in the above house on Greenwood, thank her for her generosity and kindness. We bet she is that nice every day.
May we all give and receive random acts of kindness. Happy Sunday!
A wonderful idea.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, May 09, 2021 at 03:25 PM