This hyacinth volunteers in a scruffy, unkempt flowerbed, coming back every year near Easter- a tangible reminder of the story of rebirth. The bulbs tolerate the Greensboro winters just fine, without any special attention. Nature just drops down a few leaves from nearby deciduous trees and, every spring, the bulbous fragrant plant pushes away the natural mulch and again shares its natural beauty.
Today is the second Easter where Covid is affecting services. Some churches are open with social distancing measures in place. Others are still meeting online. Have you ever wondered how many churches there are in Greensboro? We have! The closest we can get to finding out is on (see HERE for Greensboro), where 300 churches are listed. So, that is a good place to start. We like to post something spiritual, reflective, or inspired by nature, every Sunday. We're going to review this list and try to find churches we've never featured over the last 13 years. Stay tuned...
... in the meantime: If you know of someone who is housebound for any reason, consider taking them a hyacinth today- little bit of spring. The scent of hyacinth is heavenly. If you receive one and are not in a position to replant it, find a friend with a yard to to plant it for you, and anticipate seeing it again next year! Let's fill our Greensboro yards with the bulbs!
Very pretty!
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, April 04, 2021 at 08:12 AM