Greensboro is a great city for many reasons. However, the best aspect of all is the people here. Today, we're featuring Zack Matheny and his son William. Zack, President of Downtown Greensboro, is originally from Statesville, NC, came to Greensboro in 1996 to work for Cone Mills. Through that position, he relocated to California. However,Zack e missed North Carolina so much, he returned, deciding to settle down in Greensboro. In addition to raising his family here, Zack's mom has relocated to Greensboro. William is a 4th grader at Our Lady of Grace School. Last Thursday, he got to spend a little time visiting his dad at the office. You can tell by the heartfelt smile on his face that he was enjoying being there.
Zack, through the organization, Downtown Greensboro. (#DGSO ) works in so many ways to help downtown Greensboro thrive. He oversees a dedicated team that does everything from helping people find a place to live downtown, start a business, grow their business, and they even plan events to help people make great memories here. We can't wait to see what events get planned for the upcoming months- William is looking forward to them, too!
Happy Tuesday, dear readers!
A wonderful portrait shot!
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 09:04 AM