Something about this glorious weather the last few days has everyone in Greensboro realizing it is almost spring! Today and tomorrow, it will be over 70ºF. Daffodils are popping up everywhere, including our own backyard. When these, reliable, spring flowering perennials pop up, we know winter is letting go. Daffodils are hardy, multiply quickly, are not fussy about soil and don't seem to be of interest to rabbits and deer. If you don't have some already, consider heading to one of our local garden stores and purchasing a container. Even grocery stores have them this time of year.
If you don't have a yard, there are so many public places to walk, including the parks in Greensboro, where you can see all of the changes nature brings forth this time of year. Hyacinths and tulips won't be far behind! Happy Thursday and happy nine more days until spring!
(And because we know some of our dear friends will ask, yes is was necessary to stretch out on the ground to get this photo).
Lovely! Daffs are still weeks away here.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 07:24 AM