This photo, taken in December, is of teens skating downtown on Barnhardt Street. It is so hard for teens to find things to do for entertainment and to find ways to socialize with schools closed. Skateboarding is a way to get outside, get a little exercise, and have fun with friends. These skaters were just off Elm Street, trying to master pop shuvits, ollies, grabs, and more. Historically, Greensboro hasn't been known as a skating town, but, popularity has been increasing over the years. If you know of young people looking for places to skate, there is the Above Board Skatepark on Greengate Drive. Also, Latham Skatepark offers skateboarding, as does the Glenwood neighborhood. Skaters should wear helmets and pads (and masks).
If you have ever been the parent of a skateboarder, you know how easy it is for accidents to happen. However, parents also learn that that the determination comes from practicing skateboard moves, which is good for helping kids learn to focus and work towards goals. Skateboarding is now a Summer Olympic sport and will debut in the games in Tokyo this summer. Who knows, maybe the above skateboarding trio from Greensboro someday will compete in the Olympics. If these guys need a new board, wheels, or trucks, Stolen Skate Shop at 534 South Elm Street is just down the street. Stolen adds yet another opportunity for entertainment in the 500 block of South Elm- arcade, bowling, ice skating, and skateboarding supplies all within the block.
Happy Saturday. May you find something fun and safe to make your day memorable.
Good shot!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 06:31 AM
Love this photo!
Posted by: susan johnston | Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 08:28 AM