Where can you go in Greensboro to take a fabulous sunrise, sunset, or panoramic view photo? We've been going around town, in search of the perfect view. So far, we haven't found a spot that absolutely showcases the beauty of our city. Today's effort was taken at the Church Street Parking Deck, beside the Central Library and behind the Cultural Arts Center. As seen on the sign, in the lime green block in the top left of the photo, this bright building is the Children's Museum. It has been a Greensboro treasure since it opened on May 15, 1999. While this view of the Children's Museum is a nice one and you can see the tree-lined Dunleath Neighborhood off in the distance, we are still hoping to find a nice panoramic view.
The Children's Museum is temporarily closed due to Covid. When open, it is a place that inspires hands-on learning and according to their website, they have more than 20 exhibits and a 30-foot tall climber. The museum has continued to grow over the years, having added an edible garden and an outdoor play plaza. The cost of admission is $10. If you want to help them through the COVID times, you can donate, here. While the streets look empty, if you look closely you can see a few people walking on the sidewalk in front of the museum.
This is a colourful view.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 04:59 PM