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« Happy New Year 2021: Reflecting On 2020! | Main | See The Good »

Saturday, January 02, 2021


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William Kendall

Happy anniversary!

Susan J


Nollie W Neill Jr

THANKS for your daily photos!! Congrats on Anniversary.

Brooke Neal

I was not aware of the Greensboro Daily Photo until Bobby Craddock posted this. Is it just on Twitter (which I don't navigate well and don't see the point of) or is there a facebook page too, that I could like?

Jane Tucker Mitchell

GDP is truly a boon to our city. I would miss so much of the goings-on in Greensboro if it weren’t for your featuring it. I have told many people about it who have banked me profusely for making them aware of it. I don’t comment as often as I should, but ai want you to know that you are an asset and you make us proud of our hometown.jane

David T

Brooke Neal, we are indeed on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GreensboroDailyPhoto/ You can also always reach us at https://www.greensborodailyphoto.com There is a subscription box on the left if you would like to receive our daily photo in an email. Thanks to Bobby Craddock for bringing you to our group of readers!

David T

Jane Mitchell, thank you for the encouraging, kind words. We greatly value your input!

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