Happy Anniversary to us- Janis and David, the Mr. and Mrs. GDP behind this community blog! The above photo was one of our last ventures out, just before COVID. Shortly thereafter, David retired and now has more time to help with GDP. While it has been nearly forty for the marriage, it is the beginning of Year 13 for Greensboro Daily Photo. Yes, there are now 4,380 photos and paragraphs about Greensboro on the internet through GDP. Regarding Year 12, when events came to a screeching halt in March and we were housebound during the pandemic, we wondered if we could maintain this daily commitment. What would we feature? How could we keep posts fresh and engaging to readers in the absence of community events? On the other hand, with so many homebound, the blog took on a whole new level of importance, as the internet became the lifeline for many. We always managed to find something to feature. Sometimes, posts landed in our laps; like the time 10,000 bees took up residence in our backyard and a beekeeper came to re-home the colony.
Occasionally we question this endeavor. Is there still community interest? Do we want to keep up a commitment that takes a minimum of an hour a day to prepare? Usually about that time we get heartfelt, personal feedback and encouragement, reminding us people are reading. In December, we received an email from a reader who told us she starts every day reading the headlines in the New York Times AND Greensboro Daily Photo. She decided to set up a monthly donation since she uses our service daily. She donates to NPR, Wikipedia, AND now also Greensboro Daily Photo. When someone puts GDP in the same paragraph as the NY Times, NPR, and Wikipedia, we know we've got to continue this labor of love! We haven't monetized the blog, but do get an occasional "tip jar" donation, which is always much appreciated. And now, we have our first sustainer! Of course we will continue to publish. If you missed yesterday's post, please see it here. January 1st is always our annual review day and it is easy to catch up on the whole year at a glance. See you in the morning! And the morning after, and the morning after...
Happy anniversary!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, January 02, 2021 at 05:59 AM
Posted by: Susan J | Saturday, January 02, 2021 at 08:00 AM
THANKS for your daily photos!! Congrats on Anniversary.
Posted by: Nollie W Neill Jr | Saturday, January 02, 2021 at 10:33 AM
I was not aware of the Greensboro Daily Photo until Bobby Craddock posted this. Is it just on Twitter (which I don't navigate well and don't see the point of) or is there a facebook page too, that I could like?
Posted by: Brooke Neal | Saturday, January 02, 2021 at 11:48 AM
GDP is truly a boon to our city. I would miss so much of the goings-on in Greensboro if it weren’t for your featuring it. I have told many people about it who have banked me profusely for making them aware of it. I don’t comment as often as I should, but ai want you to know that you are an asset and you make us proud of our hometown.jane
Posted by: Jane Tucker Mitchell | Saturday, January 02, 2021 at 02:22 PM
Brooke Neal, we are indeed on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GreensboroDailyPhoto/ You can also always reach us at https://www.greensborodailyphoto.com There is a subscription box on the left if you would like to receive our daily photo in an email. Thanks to Bobby Craddock for bringing you to our group of readers!
Posted by: David T | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 01:35 PM
Jane Mitchell, thank you for the encouraging, kind words. We greatly value your input!
Posted by: David T | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 01:38 PM