First of all, happy 2/22/22! What a date to remember!
Today, we're featuring two volunteers at the Guilford Green Foundation table at this past Saturday's "Really, Really Free Market." Guilford Green is an organization that works for equality, diversity, and inclusion in the Greensboro community. They are also an LGBTQ Center and work hard to see that everyone is accepted and valued for who they are. Guilford Green concentrates on helping young people who might not have adults in their lives who know how to support family members with gender identities that are different from their own. You may have noticed, many people now sign their names with the pronouns that match their identity. On the table on Saturday, they gave away free buttons with pronoun choices on them.
Teens of today are navigating in a very different world from even ten years ago. Through the Internet, they have a world of information at their fingertips, and they are searching. Teens are talking about and making life choices, often, with parents who don't quite know how to navigate this changing landscape. Guilford Green is a great resource. The organization offers a drop in youth night on Thursdays from 6-8 pm at their headquarters at 121 North Green Street. They are also hiring. For graduating high school seniors attending an institution of higher education in the fall, the Pearl Berlin Scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $1,000- $3,000 for someone who identifies as LGBTQ or who is a straight ally.
As for the two workers at the table on Saturday, we're sorry we didn't get your name, but thank you for all you are doing in the community.
Happy Tuesday!