The above photo of Hamburger Square in downtown Greensboro was part of the Downtown in December, "Light the Night" event. It is the city's effort to provide a little fun and joy for the community, while remaining Covid-safe. As you can see from the above photo, there weren't many people downtown, but those who were there seemed to be having a very nice time. Behind the inflatables is the fabulous, local gift store, Just Be. Beside Just Be are a couple of restaurants that are reasonably priced and fast at takeout. If you do head downtown, business owners are very mindful of taking precautions to help keep you safe.
Here is a link to all of the events happening in downtown Greensboro in December. If you are leaving the house this weekend, this list will give you some options. Happy Wednesday!
Very colourful!
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, December 09, 2020 at 01:27 PM