Deep Roots Market is a co-op is a full-service grocery store, located downtown at 600 North Euguene street, just around the corner of Joymongers. Deep Roots started in the 1960s as a vegetarian buying club at Guilford College. In the mid 1970s, they moved to a storefront on Spring Garden Street, between the access ramp to Wendover and Merritt Drive. Since 2013, they have been in the downtown location. Anyone can shop at Deep Roots, but you get a discount and access to the big specials if you are a member.
There is a community room in the front of the store and, when gatherings are safe, great events happen there. If you are downtown, possibly at a brewery that doesn't sell food, on a bike ride and in need of a snack, or, just interested purchasing great food and being part of a caring community, please visit Deep Roots. They have been providing the Greensboro community with organic, bulk, and locally sourced food before the big, corporate whole-food markets were in the area. Have you been? If not, consider stopping by when you are in need of groceries. Happy Thursday!
A welcoming building.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 01:31 PM