Happy Thanksgiving 2020!
In today's photo is a real, taxidermal turkey that was caught in Randolph County. It is set up for display at the Antique Market Place at 6428 Burnt Poplar Road in northwest Greensboro. Also in the photo is Julie Mason, the owner of this giant antique mall and, the owner of the turkey. Julie has owned since the Antique Market Place since it was located downtown in the 1990s. Her store has been in the current location since the year 2000.
If you want to get in the holiday spirit, or just be in the presence of genuinely nice people who own their own local business, Antique Marketplace is precisely that kind of place. While Julie owns the business, individual vendors have booths and so it is a way for many people to own their own business. Fortunately, Antique Market Place is closed today so that employees can enjoy Thanksgiving with their families; however, they will back on their regular schedule on Friday (10am-6pm). In case you are wondering, lots of people have expressed an interest in purchasing the turkey, but is is part of Julie's private collection.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for family, friends, Julie, her employees and vendors, and Greensboro Daily Photo readers-- you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 06:03 PM