The Greensboro Farmers Curb Market has been serving up fresh produce since 1874. Located on Yanceyville Street across from the old War Memorial Stadium, the curb market is a place for farmers to sell their fresh produce and other edibles. It has also been a place for people to go to enjoy each other. You can talk directly to the farmers and learn from them. You can find vendors who specialize in items you like and arrange to have items ready for you at each market. Sometimes there is entertainment; sometimes themed-events. Today's photo features a view from the Lindsay Street Side, a lone shopper seated, long after the market had closed for the day.
The COVID era has changed the protocols for the market; masks; controlled entrance point; an earlier entry for the community's most vulnerable, more outside. The good produce and direct interaction with farmers keeps people returning week after week. Now is the time for cold weather vegetables, cabbage, greens, collards, turnips. If you want meats for the holidays, you might want to make plans soon. This upcoming Sunday 11/15/2020, the market will host a holiday arts and crafts event, Make 4 Market.
They're always a welcome sight.
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, November 09, 2020 at 06:12 AM