The 300 block of South Elm Street is filled with great businesses and fun things to do. The merchants are taking every effort to be COVID safe. The above photo features The View in the foreground and Cheesecakes by Alex behind the pedestrian crosswalk sign at the back of the photo. The awnings and streetlights have the area looking a bit like Europe. The trees are losing their yellow leaves quickly. If you want to see foliage, you'd best be getting outside soon. The recent 5+ inches of rain have pelted away many of the leaves. Still, these fall scenes are beautiful too behold.
Do you notice that holiday wreaths and snowflake lights have already been installed? And with it getting dark early, it's beginning to look a lot like.... December. The last we checked, the Festival of Lights was still a "go" in downtown Greensboro. It is scheduled to be held on Friday, December 4, 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm. Of course wear your mask and check schedules Otten to make sure it will still be held. In the meantime, anything you can do to purchase and order local from the Elm Street business and beyond, please do so. Happy Saturday!
I like the architecture.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 06:50 AM
Downtown will have a little bit different Festival this year. See above, for the first weekend, with special light shows and a candy cane alley and more, each weekend in December! There's even going to be a drive through Big Balloon show, since the parade is canceled! It's going to be a VERY exciting month in downtown.
Posted by: kit Rodenbough | Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 03:36 PM