Today, we continue with the garden theme and Greensboro has some beautiful gardens. The above hydrangea is a luscious pink that isn't seen as often as the blue/purple ones. Some hydrangea are developed for color, some are very susceptible to soil acidity, with the pinks liking a more alkaline soil. We don't know the backstory of this bush, but we do know that in Sunset Hills alone, several different colors are represented. Two very visible bushes, of different colors can be found on Paisley Street, downtown, behind our now-gone Smith Street Diner.
Did you know there is a Hydrangea Court in Greensboro? What a neat name for a neighborhood street It is found off of Baylor Street, just north of Pisgah Church in Bellwood Village, near Lake Jeanette. From a street map, it looks like there are 18 townhomes on tiny Hydrangea Court. Wouldn't it be wonderful if every unit had at least one hydrangea. We are heading over this weekend to see if we can find some hydrangea bushes. Regardless, they are at peak right now in Greensboro. If you get a chance to see some, they are beautiful. If you are staying in, we're betting you can get a florist to deliver a beautiful one.
Have a great weekend, weather you chase hydrangeas (like us) or not!
The word "hydrangea" comes from Greek meaning "water vessel".
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 06:11 AM