This beautiful thornless blackberry bush is located in front of Butler Lighting on North Church Street in Greensboro. This is such a fine example of planting edibles. The bushes line the sidewalk as you approach the main entrance to the lighting store. The bushes have examples of blackberries at every stage of development from blossoms to ripe blackberries. The more edibles we plant, the happier the birds and other wildlife will be, and, humans can also share the bounty. On the overcast rainy day, the bushes were such a bright welcome
We should also add, that when we went inside the store, we were greeted by lighting professionals who helped talk us through all of the lighting variables from type of bulb to the way a certain fixture emits light in a room or on an exterior wall. In this era when it is so popular to order everything online, sometimes you just can't beat working, in person, with professionals. Butler Lighting has the Church Street showroom and also one on Highway 68, near I-40. We're wondering if the larger showroom on 68 also has thornless blackberry bushes growing! Have you ever considered planting them?
Happy Wednesday! If you are out exploring Greensboro, let us know what you discover!
A pretty shot.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, June 19, 2020 at 06:02 PM