Slowly, businesses in the Greensboro and Piedmont area are reopening. The above photo features the June barn sale at Chartreuse in Thomasville. Formerly, Chartreuse was on Merritt Drive (see, here for a post from 2011). For the past several years, they have been relocated to Thomasville. They hold a sale, one weekend a month, out of their barns at 326 Litwin Drive. Several vendors sell and entrance to the public is free. Usually, they offer drinks and a snack, but to honor COVID restrictions, they didn't put the out this weekend. Shoppers were strongly urged to wear masks, and most complied. If you love barn sales, head to Thomasville and spend some time milling around the barns filled with creative crafts and antiques.
Chartreuse has had a pretty difficult year as artist/ designer Duane Franks died last April. In March, Paula Lynam co-owner with business and life partner Steve, passed in March. Paula was a founding member of Grace Community Church in Greensboro and had a way of making everyone feel as if they had known her forever. So, be safe, be kind, and spend a little time supporting a local business. On Saturday, Chartreuse will have a food truck and live music. That, dear readers, is starting to feel a little like old times.
An inviting interior.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, June 05, 2020 at 06:27 PM