Yes, there is a street in Greensboro called Merlot Way. It is located in a neighborhood known as Laurel Park, across from the Spears Y, off of Horse Pen Creek Road. On one of the mailboxes in the neighborhood is a message thanking the postal workers. While that note is touching, it is especially heartwarming that the postal carrier left a response, "Loved your note. T(hank) Y(ou).
Driving a truck as a postal carrier can be an isolating, stressful job. Unless you have a permanent route, it can be hard to master the logic of a route. Now, in this era where we are supposed to remain home, postal workers are considered essential and continue to deliver the mail daily. Something as easy as expressing gratitude, orally or in writing, to these essential employees can bring great joy to the recipient. May we lift our glasses and join us in a virtual toast to this family on Merlot Way (even if we are only drinking grape juice).
Ours are delivering.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, April 09, 2020 at 06:22 PM