By day and by night, the sky has been so beautiful in Greensboro this past week. The above photo was taken in northwest Greensboro about 8:30, just as it was about dark. You can see that stars are starting to appear. Stars are even more visible with less light pollution as of late. The mature trees on the above lot are representative of so many properties in Greensboro.
Tonight is First Friday in downtown Greensboro. While we can't stroll the streets for ourselves, businesses are getting creative about ways to deliver to homes. And, not just restaurants are delivering. If you have a go-to downtown store, it is worth calling and seeing if they can bring something fun to you. Remember to support local businesses. Remember to admire our beautiful city- even at night!
A beautiful shot.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, April 03, 2020 at 07:06 AM