Yesterday, was Earth Day and we featured Nanny Foster, a lifelong Greensboro resident, who is very conscious of the needs of the planet. Today, we feature a bird nest built in a holly tree in northwest Greensboro, not too far from Bur-Mil Park. The nest is a work of art with the twigs assembled in a way that makes the nest sturdy and perfect for baby birds. We're not sure what type of bird made it, but it is only about 5' from the ground and mostly made of sticks with a softer grass area in the middle. Perhaps it was made by cardinals. Do any of our readers have an idea?
At any rate, birds are very sensitive to pollution and pollutants.If we maintain an environment in which birds thrive, it will be a good place for humans, too. Today is Day 1 of the Piedmont Triad BioThon brought to us by Stormwater SMART. If you want to participate in this opportunity to document the beauty around you in Greensboro and share with the rest of us, look at their website, here.
Happy Earth Day, a day late; however, truthfully, every day should be Earth Day! The local BioThon lasts until June 19th, the last day of spring.
A terrific detail shot.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 06:17 PM