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« Airstream-ish | Main | Happy Earth Day, A Day Late »

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


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Katja Brown

I've said it before but I will say it again Janis: You are a real treasure trove of information. Thank you so much for your daily snippets of what's going on in Greensboro. I especially enjoyed today's feature of "Nanny and the Girls!"

susan johnston

I frequently include this fabulous garden on my walks. Last week I took at least 30 pictures of this one small space! Thanks for giving me the name of this master gardener, and I hope I get to catch her outside someday. The mosaics are so whimsical. It reminds me of being in Barcelona where mosaic art is raised to a high art.

William Kendall

Very creative.


Katja, Susan, and William. Thank you so much for your comments. Nanny is an amazing person. I hope you get to meet her, Susan. Katja, you are such a beacon of positivity. William. You haven't given up on commenting even though I can't figure out the password to my gmail account.

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