During this time of quarantine, many people with pets are getting to spend a lot more time with them. Greensboro residents love their dogs and cats. The above photo features London, a soft-coated Wheaton terrier who lives in the Westerwood area. In true Wheaton tradition, London is super friendly, energetic, and playful. Something unique about London is that he loves to have his photo taken! He should model! We had to remind him that we were physically distancing and couldn't touch him (since we are not his owners).
Seeing people out walking with their canines is a little bit of a distraction from spending most of the day in the house- a good diversion for the dogs, the dog walkers, and the people passing by. However, it is important to remember to interact socially while also physically distancing. It is fun, though, to learn the names of the dogs of Greensboro. We give London a four paws up in personality and temperament and were so enthralled with him that we forgot to ask his owner her name. Happy Thursday.
What a cutie.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 05:53 PM