You never know what you will see when out walking. Greensboro's three lakes (Higgins, Brandt, and Townsend) have their fair share of herons. The above photo shows a heron that had just left Lake Higgins, heading east. We suspect he was headed to Lake Brandt. In North Carolina, these birds are commonly seen in the Piedmont region and they are year-round residents. The blue heron is a large wading bird, and if you look at that silhouette, it is hard to imagine that this beautiful creature can fly. Look at those long legs. The wingspan can get to 6 1/2 feet and it can weigh over 5 pounds.
Truly, the blue heron is a magnificent creature, and it is amazing to be walking and see one fly right overhead. Enjoy your weekend folks; try to get outside, but, keep your distance.
I haven't seen them back here yet.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, April 24, 2020 at 06:15 AM