In case you wondered, beavers are alive and well in Greensboro. The above photo was taken at Lake Brandt this past weekend, just north of the Strawberry Road entrance to the greenway. Beavers, America's largest rodent, on average weigh 35-40 pounds, but can grow to 70 pounds. Beavers are found throughout North Carolina. They are known to frustrate humans because they can fell a tree in no-time. The above cedar didn't have a chance!
While humans might not want their property flooded or swampy as a result of a beaver dam, the dams can actually help control erosion and sedimentation and provide habitat for wetland wildlife (reference and more information, here). Beavers are highly prized for their pelts, meat, and the castor oil derived from their bodies. As long as they aren't doing any harm, it is best to leave these critters alone.
They are amazing animals.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, May 01, 2020 at 06:25 AM