Happy Saturday. Today will be another beautiful day in Greensboro. The above photo features our view in northwest Greensboro while walking on Thursday afternoon. As we all self-isolate, nature can feel like a dear, special friend. The trees, colors, and the fresh grasses take on a life of their own.
So many untruths are floating through our social media feeds these days. According to National Geographic, swans are a regular in the canals of Burano, Italy, and the dolphins weren't in the canals, but filmed in the Mediterranean Sea.* The good thing to come of these untruths is that humans love a good nature story and flora and fauna uplift us. As beautiful as Greensboro is, we can go out and create our own nature stories. The title of this one is, "The Afternoon of the Striped Grass." Sometimes people think Greensboro is flat, until they have the adventure of walking up and down the striped grass.
* reference and more information, here.
A beautiful view.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 03:14 PM