As we continue with all but essential businesses closed, disposing of unwanted items has limited options. You can't donate to thrift stores; you can't sell books to used bookstores. You can sell some things online, throw items away, or put them at the street and offer them away for free. Even then, people are reluctant to touch anything that has been in the hands of others.
At any rate, offering books for free is a very nice gesture. The books in this box were very popular, contemporary fiction titles. Someone would love to read them. The books in this spontaneous, "pop up" library were being offered in northeast Greensboro. However, many neighborhoods in Greensboro have Little Free Libraries. If you are interested in setting up a LFL in your neighborhood, read the history and find a map of where they are already located, see here. In the meantime, continue find ways to experience social interaction while maintaining social distance. Happy Wednesday... and today's post is not an April Fool's joke!
What a kind gesture!
Posted by: tanya breese | Wednesday, April 01, 2020 at 10:06 AM
I haven't seen that here, yet.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, April 01, 2020 at 01:41 PM