The above photo shows Bur-Mil Park where early voting took place over the past month. The primaries have come and gone. Regardless of how people vote, it is so important to perform this civic duty. One of the big initiatives in Guilford County this year was getting public school students who were eligible to vote to do so. The GCS schools did a good job of providing students the opportunity to register and to vote, without trying to influencing their decisions. There were over 6,000 students eligible to participate in the process. Some took advantage of the high schools providing this service; some opted to do so with their parents.
In Greensboro in the primary election yesterday, Joe Biden got almost 40% of the Democratic vote and President Trump got over 91% of the Republican vote. Election news will quiet down for a little bit before it revs up again closer to the general election.
Enjoy the calm. See you at the polls this fall!
Your election campaigns never seem to end.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, March 04, 2020 at 04:02 PM
Our primaries were yesterday...I worked the was busier than I expected!
Posted by: tanya breese | Wednesday, March 04, 2020 at 04:29 PM