Happy New Year! January 1st is the day the City Daily Photo community encourages participants to select their best photo from 2019. For Greensboro, we've selected this scene from LeBauer Park. The photo says so much about our city. The art overhead really helps define the space. Below, you see people from all neighborhoods coming together to watch a move on the big screen. This move was made possible through collaboration with UNCG. Greensboro has so many free events available to the community; events and public spaces contribute to the strength of a city.
As we look back over the year on Greensboro Daily Photo, we are reminded of all of the beautiful houses, the natural beauty of the city, the buildings and businesses, the educational institutions, the art, the weather and so much more. Even with 365 photos and paragraphs, we only begin to scratch the surface of all that is good in our city. In the end, it is the people who make Greensboro such a great place to live. Below, we've linked to twelve photos that are especially memorable. If you have time, please click through and have a visit. Thank you for reading and following GDP. Happy New Year. Here's to a great year to you, personally and to Greensboro as well!
January: The Ice Storm Cometh
February: The NC A&T Four
March: Firefighters from Station 21
April: World Irish Dance Championship
June: Summer Solstice Festival
July: Preservation Greensboro Tour of Lindley Park
August: MUSEP Free Concerts in the Parks
September: North Carolina Folk Festival
October: Reconsidered Goods Event Space
November: Kathy Clark and the Really, Really Free Market
December: The Running of the Balls
Very pretty.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, January 02, 2020 at 11:04 AM