In the first year of Greensboro Daily Photo, we photographed these cows on Stanley Huff Road, near Bunch Road. It is nice to know that twelve years later, cows are still there. If you consider how much Greensboro has changed over the last decade, and how much rural acreage has been developed, it is pretty amazing this pastureland is still farmed. Just across the street are the modern, energy-efficient homes of Gary Jobe.
The cow in the front of the photo published previously on GDP appears to have longer horns than the one above; however, it could be that the ones today aren't as close. As best we can tell, these cows are Scottish Highland kyloe and a group of them is called a fold. Change can be good, but it can be comforting to see something on an ongoing basis. Curiously, these kyloe seem more likely to be in the front field when it is a cold, rainy, winter day.
They do look big.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 11:21 AM
I was going to suggest these as a topic. I drive by there often and wonder about those cute, golden, curly headed, long horned little cows! thanks!
Posted by: Jessica E. | Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 04:20 PM
They are especially picturesque in spring and summer when the field is growing high. The you sometimes just see heads or horns over the tops of the little white and yellow wildflowers. Lovely on a golden sunlit day!
Posted by: Jessica E. | Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 04:23 PM
I am glad they are still makes me sad to see all the development...they are going hard at it here too 🙁
Posted by: tanya breese | Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 06:59 PM