Yesterday, Fox News shared some fabulous photos of the Rotary Carousel at the Greensboro Science Center (see, here). Their segment prompted us to run out and check on the progress. The venue is stunning with so much thought behind it. The 56 wooden and handmade animals evoke a mash-up of Doctor Dolittle, Greensboro's Universities, the endangered species list, the Greensboro Science Center, and a whole lot of vision and generosity on the part of the Greensboro Rotary Organization. It is so beautiful; one photo cannot begin to do it justice.
The carousel is expected to open in a few weeks. It is reported to have cost $3 million dollars, part of the cost is attributed to the fact that it is encased in a climate-controlled glass structure that can be opened when weather permits. It is the kind of place where you will probably notice more details every time you visit. Wouldn't is be fun if they had a punch card and you could keep track of every animal you had ridden. Are you the kind of person who would want to ride all 56?
I love a carousel! This one is great!
Posted by: tanya breese | Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 01:58 PM
What a lovely carousel!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 03:58 PM
Oh absolutely Janis, if I was with my grandchildren 😉 The carousel looks gorgeous, looking forward to seeing more ðŸŽ
Posted by: Grace | Friday, January 17, 2020 at 03:34 AM