Many holidays have both religious and secular traditions. At Eastertime, colorful eggs are a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Many people decorate bushes, shrubs, and small trees with plastic eggs. This home in north Greensboro enjoys this very tradition. As we remain quarantined for COVID-19 having traditions within and around the home are more important than ever. For children, there is a balance between helping them realize that these are serious times and letting them know there are ways to be joyful. Imagine the joy of a child who has the opportunity to decorate.
What are you doing to bring some joy into your life today? When the weather is nice, many people in Greensboro are out walking. If you are interested in exploring Greensboro's trails, here is a recent News2 segment on our city's great trail system. You won't likely see an egg tree, but- even better- you just might see some real eggs in nature.