Do you ever get the feeling that the view from the backup camera is more attractive than what is ahead. Such was the case the other day at the corner of Patterson and Holden Road at the Red Collection. The front view was simply a busy intersection with vehicles desperate to zip from Point A to Point B. In the rear was a bright blue sky wrapped around the facade of the consignment store. This area of Greensboro, near the Coliseum complex is a fun one to visit if you like consignment stores, thrift stores, and up cycling.
The take away message is to sometimes change your view a little bit: Look up, down, and behind. Of course if you are driving, looking ahead is the top priority. Happy Thursday.
I've only recently seen a back up camera, and that was in a moving truck.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, November 07, 2019 at 11:41 AM
You make a good point Janis, it's good to change it up a bit now and then 😉
Posted by: Grace | Friday, November 08, 2019 at 02:11 AM